General Instructions
1) Children should maintain regularity and punctuality in the school.
2) They should be clean, well-groomed, and in proper school uniform.
3) Attending the morning assembly is compulsory.
4) The school diary should be brought to the school daily. Children should not scribble in it and should not use it as a rough copy.
5) Keep the school premises clean and tidy and use all school property with respect and care.
6) Children should cover their school books neatly and properly name them.
7) Always come to school with required stationery and books.
8) No leave is granted except for valid reasons and that too on prior written application through diary or letter from parents.
9) Speaking English is compulsory for all the students within the school premises.
10) No visitor is allowed to see/meet the child during school hours. Children are not allowed to go home without the permission of the Principal.
11) Parents/Guardians are requested to park their vehicles outside the school gate in proper order to avoid accidents and inconvenience.
12) Parents/Guardians are specially requested to inform the school of any change in their address or Telephone number.
13) Suggestions for improvement of the school are always welcome.